
“Be kind. It is the only way to make this world peaceful & better.” Acrylic on Canvas Size- 14″*18″


There is no path to happiness…. Happiness is the path.” ” Budhha” Acrylic on canvas Size- 16″*20″


Banjara …away from This matirielastic world …in ableak & barren saroundings just going from one place to another seeking thier survival Acrylic on canvas Size 20.5″*24″

Misty Morning

Misty Morning Acrylic on Canvas Size- 18″*20″

Unconditional Love

“There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love & nothing as healing as a child’s soul.” “Unconditional love” Acrylic on canvas sheet Size-18″*24″

Soul Mate

” Soul-Mate” Soul-mate is someone, who you carry with you forever. Medium – Acrylic on Handmade paper & white pen scribble drawing. Size- 22″*30″